What Are Online Psychiatrists?
Online psychiatrists are psychiatrists who provide services through a HIPPA compliant ( secure ) video platform. They do not talk to patients over the phone, or by text message, although these tools can be used for brief communications such as scheduling and prescription refill. Online psychiatrists have completed the same training requirements as in office psychiatrists working in the same country. This includes medical school, internship, and have completed psychiatric residency training, or the equivalent in their country of residence. They must be licensed, and insured in the country and state where they reside. An online psychiatrist must follow the same rules and regulations and standards of care as any other psychiatrist.
Are Online Psychiatrists Effective?
An online psychiatrist should be as competent as a psychiatrist who sees patients in his office. There should be little difference between treatment administered via telemedicine or in the office. Factors which affect outcome include the length of the visit, which can be shorted due to insurance cuts, quality of equipment, and rapport between patient and provider. Generally speaking, a patient is less likely to see a telemedicine provider with who they do not feel comfortable, as they have greater access to alternative providers via the internet. Some patients prefer telemedicine visits, while others prefer to see someone in the office.
What Are The Advantages Of Seeing An Online Psychiatrist?
- Online psychiatrists are more likely to be available on evenings and weekends.
- Greater choice of a psychiatrist, less limitation by geographic location.
- Less travel time to and from the psychiatrist.
- Greater privacy, as you will not run into an acquaintance or colleague in the waiting room.
- Greater comfort.
- Access to psychiatrists with specialist training, e.g., addiction fellowship or psychodynamic training.
Is It Safe To See An Online Psychiatrist?
It is safe to see an online psychiatrist providing he or she uses the correct equipment. This includes HIPAA compliant electronic health records and practice management to store notes, schedule appointments and collect payment. A HIPAA complaint video platform and not Skype should be used for security.